51 (2019)


  • Konstantinos Sp. Giannakos, Evidence from the Aegean, Cyprus, Egypt, Levant, Asia Minor and Possible Dating of the Trojan War (Part II), 9-75Konstantinos Sp. Giannakos, Evidence from the Aegean, Cyprus, Egypt, Levant, Asia Minor and Possible Dating of the Trojan War (Part II), 9-75 (PDF)
  • Jan P. Stronk, From Sardis to Marathon. Greco-Persian Relations 499-490 BC: A Review. Part 2: The Battle of Marathon and Its Implications, 77-226 (PDF)
  • Christoph Pieper, Orderly Wit: Specimens of Augustan Discourse in Mocrobius’ Saturnalia, Books 1 and 2, 227-245 (PDF)
  • Diederik Burgersdijk, Palmyra on the Silk Road: Terrestial and Maritime Trading Routes from China to the Mediterranean, 246-257 (PDF)