46-47 (2014-15)

Edited by D.W.P. Burgersdijk, J.P. Stronk and M.D. de Weerd

Contents of volume XLVI-XLVII (2014-15)

  • Bariş Gür (Turkey), An overview of the Late Helladic IIIC period in Anatolia, 7  (PDF) 
  • Frank Kolb (Germany), Phantom Trojans at the Dardanelles? , 27 (PDF) 
  • Konstantinos Giannakos (Greece), Cutting-edge technology and know-how of Minoans/Myceneans during LBA and possible implications for the dating of the Trojan war, 51 (PDF)
  • Mary Elizabeth Cooper (United Kingdom), Uhhaziti, king of Azarwa: Tantalus, king of Lydia, 81 (PDF) 
  • Katerina Volioti and Maria Papageorgiou (Greece), A new signed Korinthian Aryballos, 107 (PDF) 
  • Yang Juping 杨-3: (China), Some clues of the Hellenistic World and the Roman East hidden in China’s Early Four Historical Books, 121 (PDF) 
  • Takuji Abe (Japan), Herodotus’ first language: The state of the language in Halicarnassus, 145 (PDF) 
  • Jan P. Stronk (The Netherlands), Thermopylae: 480 BC: ancient accounts of a battle, 165 (PDF)
  • Reinier Meijering (The Netherlands), Religious support and political gain: the Seleucids, Miletus and Didyma, 301-281 BC, 237 (PDF)
  • Annelies Koolen (The Netherlands), Boeotian Epaminondas: an uneasy exemplum to the Athenian Xenophon, 251 (PDF) 
  • Madona Mshvildadze (Georgia), The Iberian (Caucasian) town of Artanissa in Claudius Ptolemy’s coordinates, 265 (PDF) 
  • Vedat Keles and Ersin Çelikbaş (Turkey), Wall heating systems in Roman architecture and “spacer tubes” found in the Parion Slope Structure, 281 (PDF) 


  • Woudhuizen, Fred (The Netherlands), Some Southwest Iberian Inscriptions, 299 (PDF) 


  • J. Beresford 2013: The Ancient Sailing Season (Jan P. Stronk), 335 (PDF)  
  • W.M.J. van Binsbergen 2012: Before the Presocratics. Cyclicity, Trans- formation, and Element Cismology (Jan G. de Boer), 339 (PDF)  
  • H. Bodin and R. Hedfund (eds.) 2013: Byzantine Gardens and Beyond (Baukje van den Berg), 342 (PDF)  
  • S.C. Stone 2014: The Hellenistic and Roman Fine Pottery (Mark van der Enden), 345 (PDF)  
  • Jorrit Kelder et alii 2012: Troy. City, Homer, Turkey (F.C. Woudhuizen), 353 (PDF) 



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