34-35 (2002-2003)

Edited by R.F. Docter, J.P. Stronk, and M.D. de Weerd


  • Waanders, F.M.J. (The Netherlands), In memoriam C. J. Ruijgh, 7 (PDF)
  • Kelder, Jorrit (The Netherlands), The use and appreciation of Mycenaean Pottery in New Kingdom Egypt, 9 (PDF)
  • Stronk, Jan P. (The Netherlands), The Trojan Horse: The Present Debates on Troy and the Art of Fundraising, 19 (PDF)
  • Woudhuizen, Fred C. (The Netherlands), Etruscan Origins, 55 (PDF)
  • Kunze, Claudia (Germany), The Tomb of Yadamelek: A new approach to its architecture, burial rite and grave goods, 71 (PDF)
  • Docter, Roald F. (Belgium), The Topography of Archaic Carthage: Preliminary results of recent excavations and some prospects, 113 (PDF)
  • Meyer, Marion (Österreich), Dickbauchtänzer in Korinth und Athen, 135 (PDF)
  • Lazarov, Luchevar (Bulgaria), AMesambrian coin of Geta, 181 (PDF)
  • Wright, G.R.H. (France), The Marriage made in Hell, 183 (PDF)


  • D. Hertel, Die Mauern von Troia. Mythos und Geschichte im antiken Ilion (Jan P. Stronk), 191 (PDF)
  • Michel Kazanski & Vanessa Soupault (eds.), Les sites archéologiques en Crimée et au Caucase durant l’Antiquité tardive et le haut Moyen-Age (J.G. de Boer), 195 (PDF)
  • S.L. Solovyov, Ancient Berezan. The Architecture, History and Culture of the First Greek Colony in the Northern Black Sea (Vladimir Stissi), 197 (PDF)
  • N. Theodossiev, North-Western Thrace from the Fifth to First Centuries BC (Jan P. Stronk), 201 (PDF together with next PDF)
  • M.Y. Treister, Hammering Techniques in Greek and Roman Jewellery and Toreutics (Kathy Sas), 204 (PDF)