22-23 (1990-1991)


  • KONSTANTIN P. BOSCHNAKQW, Die Thraker “Tetrachoritai”, 7-13 (PDF)
  • IRIS VON BREDOW, Die Gottheiten in dem althethitisehen Gewitterritual, 15-21 (PDF)
  • GEORGI KITOV, The Domed Tombs near the Village of Ravnogor in the Rhodopes, 23-47 (PDF)
  • HERMANN PARZINGER, Siedlungsformen der ausgehenden Friihbronzezeit unci dec Karumzeit in West- und Inneranatolien, 49-77 (PDF)
  • DAAN W. SMIT, KUB XIV 3 and Hittite History, A Historical Approach to the T awagalawa-letter, 79-111 (PDF)
  • DAAN W. SMIT, The Hittite Corridor, 113-115 (PDF)
  • JAN P. STRONK, Sparta and Persia: 412-386, An Outline, 117-136 (PDF)

Supplementum Epigraphicum Mediterraneum

  • FRED C. WOUDHUIZEN, The Dawn of Indo-European Literacy, 139-149 (PDF)
  • FRED C. WOUDHUIZEN, The Earliest Inscription from Tarquinia, 151-161 (PDF)
  • Review Article JAN P. STRONK, Socrates and his Trial, 163-168 (PDF)