18-19 (1986-1987)


  • D.J. Breeze, The Logistics of Agricola’s Final Campaign, 7-28 (PDF)
  • Petropoulou, The Thracian Funerary Rites (Her. 5.8) and Similar Greek Practices, 29-47 (PDF)
  • D.W. Smit, Backgrounds to Hittite History, Some historical remarks on the proposed Luwian translations of the Phaistos Disc, 49-63 (PDF)
  • J.P. Stronk, Wreckage at Salmydessos, 63-75 (PDF)
  • D.G. Zanotti, Varna: The Interpretation of the Evidence from the Necropolis, 77-104 (PDF)

Supplementum Epigraphicum Mediterraneum

  • Neuss, Zur Deutung des Diskos von Phaistos, 107-123 (PDF)
  • F.C. Woudhuizen, The Recently Discovered Greek- Etruscan Bilingue from Delphi, 125-153 (PDF)