16- 17 (1984-1985)


  • H.-E. Giesecke, Wie sah Knossos wirklich aus?, 7-52 (PDF)
  • D.G. Zanotti, Varna: The Necropolis and the GoldĀ Finds, 53-75 (PDF)

Supplementum Epigraphicum Mediterraneum

  • J.G.P. Best, Ku-ni-su: Emmer Wheat or PersonalĀ Name?, 77-79 (PDF)
  • G.J.M.J. Te Riele – S.L. Wynia, Inschriften aus der Sammlung Dortmond-Smit: einige Addenda und Corrigenda, 81-90 (PDF)
  • F.C. Woudhuizen, Lydian: Separated from Luwian by three sings, 91-113 (PDF)
  • F.C. Woudhuizen, Origins of the Sidetic Script, 115-126 (PDF)


  • Roman and native in the Low Countries: Spheres of interaction, ed. R. Brandt and J. Slofstra (R. Reece), 129— (PDF not available)