Current issue

Contents of volume 55-56 (2023-2024):


M. Klaasen, The Ephesian Vespers: Explaining the ambiguous view of the Romans towards an ancient genocide
O. Linderborg, The origins of kingship in ancient Greek and Indian literary traditions
I. Mitsios, Venice 126, Palermo 768 and Louvre 742 votive reliefs revisited: Aglauros and Ares
F. Overduin, ‘X is the new Homer’: Authorial labelling between anchoring and ambiguity
D. Roumpekas, Ophthalmic leucoma in Graeco-Roman and late antique Egypt: A physical disorder as identification mark
R. van Wijk, Oropian epigraphic habits in a Macedonian world

Book reviews
Agut-Labordère, D. and Versluys, M.J. (eds.) 2022. Canonization as Innovation: Anchoring Cultural Formation in the First Millennium BCE (R. van der Heijden)
Lendering, J. 2023. Oudheidkunde is een wetenschap. En dat mag je ook best eens uitleggen (J.P. Stronk)

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