32-33 (2000-2001)


  • Introduction, R. Doctor, J.P. Stronk, and M.D. de Weerd, & Preface, G.R. Tsetskhladze & J.G. de Boer, 1-10 (PDF)
  • Tsetskhladze, G.R. (UK), Black Sea Piracy, 11  (PDF together with next article)
  • Doonan, O., and Smart, D. (USA), Gerna Dere, Roman and Byzantine Settlement in Sinop Province, Turkey, 17 (PDF)
  • Summerer, L., and Atasoy, S. (Turkey), Amazonendarstellungen auf Münzen und Terrakotten von Amisos, 27 (PDF)
  • Kakhidze, A. (Georgia), Specimens of Classical Bronze Toreutics from Pichvnari (Georgia), 41 (PDF)
  • Ballesteros-Pastor, L. (Spain), Pharnaces I of Pontus and the Kingdom of Pergamum, 61 (PDF)
  • Kuznetsov, V.D. (Russia), Phanagoria and its Metropolis, 67 (PDF)
  • † Vinogradov, Y.G., (Russia), TheVisit of an Euboean to Phanagoria, 79 (PDF)
  • Sokolova, O.Y., (Russia), New Material from the Excavation of Nymphaeum, 81 (PDF)
  • Saprykin, S. (Russia), Bosporus on the Verge of the Christian Era (Outlines of Economic Development), 91 (PDF)
  • Popova, E.A., and Kovalenko, S.A. (Russia), A New Relief with Heracles in the North-Western Crimea, 103 (PDF)
  • Treister, M.Y. (Russia), Finds of Metal Elements of Roman Military Costume and Horsharness in the North Pontic Area, 109 (PDF)
  • Zubar, V.M. (Ukraine), and Pillinger, R. (Austria), New Tombs with Early Christian Murals from the Necropolis of Tauric Chersonesus (Preliminary Note), 123 (PDF)
  • Romancuk, A. (Russia), Chersonesos im Früh- und Mittelbyzantinischer Zeit, 131 (PDF)
  • Bravo, R. (Poland), Deux Ostraka Magiques d’Olbia Pontique et Quelques Données Nouvelles sur les Procédés de la Magie Destructive, 149 (PDF)
  • Dupont, P. (France), Héraklès et le Ketos de Troie sur un Vase Nord-Ionien à Figures Noires de Bérézan?, 165 (PDF)
  • Lungu, V. (Romania), La Tombe d’un ἭΡΩΣ et l’Organisation de la Nécropole d’une Cité Milésienne du Pont Euxin: le Tumulus TA95 d’Orgamé, 171 (PDF)
  • † Rădulescu, A., Buzoianu, L., Bărbulescu, M., and Georgescu, N. (Romania), Albe¸sti (Departement de Constanza), Site Fortifié Greco-Indigène, 189 (PDF)
  • Stoyanov, T. (Bulgaria), The Getic Capital at Sboryanovo (North- Eastern Bulgaria), 207 (PDF)
  • Gergov, G. (Bulgaria), Archaeological Evidence of Dune Formation on the West Pontic Coast in the 4th-3rd Centuries BC, 223 (PDF)
  • de Boer, J.G., and Stronk, J.P. (The Netherlands), Two Greek “Emporia” South of Apollonia Pontica?, 233 (PDF)
  • Abramzon, M.G. (Russia), The ‘Coronation Coin’ of the Thracian King Rhoemetalces III, 239 (PDF)
  • Bouzek, J. (Czech Rep.), The First Thracian Urban and Rural
    Dwellings, and Stonecutting Techniques, 243 (PDF)
  • Archibald, Z.H. (UK), The Odrysian River Port near Vetren, Bulgaria, and the Pistiros Inscription, 253 (PDF)
  • Tonkova, M. (Bulgaria), Classical Jewellery in Thrace: Origins and Development, Archaeological Contexts, 277 (PDF)
  • Woudhuizen, F.C. (The Netherlands), The Earliest Inscription from Thrace, 289 (PDF)

Book Reviews (PDF)

  • G.R. Tsetskhladze (ed.), The Greek Colonisation of the Black Sea Area, Historical Interpretation of Archaeology, 307
  • G.R. Tsetskhladze (ed.), Ancient Greeks, West & East K. Nawotka, The Western Pontic Cities. History and Political Organization, 307
  • G. R. Tsetskhladze, PICHVNARI and its Environs, 6th c. BC – 4th c AD (J.G. de Boer), 307
  • R. Rolle, V.Ju.Murzin undA.Ju.Alekseev, Königskurgan Certomlyk. Ein skythischer Grabhügel des 4. vorchristlichen Jahrhunderts (G.R. Tsetskhladze), 311
  • Octavian Bounegru & Mihail Zahariade, Les Forces Navales du Bas Danube et de la Mer Noire aux 1er – VIe Siècles (M.D. deWeerd), 313