20-21 (1988-1989)


  • J.G. DE BOER, An Early-Byzantine Fortress on the Tell of Dyadovo, 7-15 (PDF)
  • H.-E. GIESECKE, Der mykenische Wagen, 17-39 (PDF)
  • MARAZOV, The Identity of the Triballian Great Goddess, 41-51 (PDF)
  • D.W. SMIT, Achilles, Aeneas and the Hittites. A Hittite model for Iliad XX 191-194?, 53-64 (PDF)
  • J.P. STRONK, A Thracian Thalassocracy?, 65-72 (PDF)

Supplementum Epigraphicum Mediterraneum

  • O. NEUSS, Addenda zu Struktur und Interpretation des Diskos von Phaistos, 75-86 (PDF)
  • F.C. WOUDHUIZEN, The Recently Discovered Greek-Sidetic Bilingue from Seleucia, 87-96 (PDF)
  • F.C. WOUDHUIZEN, Epigraphic Evidence for Alien Residents of a Third Kind at Pithecussae/Cumae, Italy, c. 750-675 BC, 97-108 (PDF)
  • F.C. WOUDHUIZEN, Etruscan Numerals in Indo-European Perspective, 109-124 (PDF)

Reviews and Discussion, 125-135 (PDF)

  • TREVOR R. BRYCE, “Ahhiyawans and Mycenaeans—An Anatolian Viewpoint”, Oxford Journal of Archeology 8,3 (1989) 297-310 (D.W. Smit)
  • B.H. ISAAC, The Greek Settlements in Thrace until the Macedonian Conquest (J.P. Stronk)
  • Discussion with the Editor of Antiquity on John Chadwick’s Review of Jan Best & Fred Woudhuizen, Ancient Scripts from Crete and Cyprus (Brill-Leiden 1988)